Affordable Solutions for Improving Google Rankings for Small Businesses

July 2024

One of the most common misconceptions about getting a new website is that all a person needs to do to be listed on the World Wide Web is simply purchase a domain name and create a website. This couldn’t be more inaccurate. There are currently over 1.8 billion websites on the Internet today, with an average of 252,000 new websites created every day. With the sheer volume of new websites being launched, there is no guarantee that any search engine will immediately recognize a new website. So, one may be asking themselves . . .

Why isn’t my website showing up on Google?

If a new website and isn’t showing up in search engine results the major reason is most likely that search robots haven’t crawled the website yet. On average it takes around 10-30 days for Google to crawl a new website — or websites with recent changes. In order to increase ranking, one must be diligent in their website management and recognize that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of websites that have more relevant content that is ranking higher. This doesn’t mean the website isn’t on Google; the site is just ranked so low that it’s not showing up on the desired first page. The reality is that a website with too broad or popular keywords or information could be competing against major businesses with million dollar advertising budgets that consist of large teams of marketing professionals. While a good portion of new business owners believe they have an amazing idea/product/content and why wouldn’t Google want to rank it at the top of their list, it’s best to approach the idea of website marketing from a more altruistic and logical perspective. A website owner must create content and go through several post-development steps to stand out from the billions of websites. There’s a variety of actions that a new website owner can do to speed up the process and increase their search engine ranking.

Recommended SEO Resources: 
Google Analytics:
Google Submit URL:
Google Webmaster Tools:
Keyword Rank Tracker:
Yoast SEO – WordPress Plugin
Backlink checker: SEMrush –
Link Researcher:

Recommendation for New Websites:

Be Active. 

Manually submit your website to Google through Google Search Console. This helps to ensure that Google is aware of your site and begins indexing it promptly.

Become organized 

Create a sitemap and a robots.txt file. These files help Google navigate your site and index all your pages more effectively.

Get Found 

Build “backlinks” by submitting your website URL to industry-specific directories and social media platforms. This helps Google discover and crawl your site faster.

Locate the right tools

Use a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin. Tools like Yoast SEO or Rank Math help you develop and refine keywords and metadata, which are crucial for search engine ranking.

Know what the competition is doing.

Analyze the backlinks of top competitor websites using tools like Ahrefs or Moz. Submit your website to the same directories and sites to build your backlink profile.

Know the Audience.

Install Google Analytics to measure visitor data. This tool tracks bounce rate, exit pages, demographics, and traffic information, helping you evaluate and refine your website goals.

Be active.

SEO and digital marketing require ongoing effort. Regularly update your website with fresh content, adjust keywords, and keep your site relevant. Blogging or adding new content weekly helps keep your site active and engaging.

Don’t expect miracles.

Simply having a website with a good idea won’t guarantee success. Consistent effort in website management, marketing, and SEO is required to stay competitive. Implement daily or weekly updates and marketing strategies to keep your site visible.

Become educated

Stay informed about website marketing and SEO basics. Technology and search engine algorithms constantly evolve. Read books, attend conferences, or find reputable online articles to keep up with the latest trends.

Hire a professional

If you lack the time or expertise, consider hiring an SEO specialist or digital marketing expert (like me!). Websites like can help you find local professionals or freelancers. Prioritize local experts who understand the nuances of your region and target audience.